Update on Thom... biopsy went well. We go back on May 19 for results. Thank you everyone for your outpouring of love and energy today and every day. We got this.
Well, today is the day. Thom goes in for his biopsy today. He told me he is feeling tired, so if everyone could send him a boost of energy to get through today it would be much appreciated. Thank you all. Everyone has been so wonderful as we negotiate this new journey in our lives. I know we are all ready to see that big smile back on his face.
Update on Thom... biopsy went well. We go back on May 19 for results. Thank you everyone for your outpouring of love and energy today and every day. We got this.
April 26, 2021
Just a quick update on Thom Dandridge...the biopsy for the mass on his lymph node has been scheduled for next Monday, May 5. Of course, the result we want is benign. So I am asking everyone who feels called to put that result out there, to please do so. Also, sending a guiding hand to his doctor while he weaves the biopsy needle between Thom’s bowel and main artery would be much appreciated. Overall he is doing okay, having trouble sleeping because of his medications, so sleeps when he can (which means I sleep when he does ...lol). For a man who can normally sleep through explosions and tornadoes, this has been a real challenge. We are staying positive and want to thank everyone for the calls, emails, prayers, good juju, positive healing vibes, and texts. We are blessed beyond description with the friends and family in our lives. April 21, 2021
An update on Thom: It has been an interesting 10 days here on the Pathdrummer Homestead. Thom has been doing really well and his attitude has been pretty good. As many of you know, his bladder was enlarged and he has been keeping it drained via catheter since last Monday (April 12). Because of this, he has had to curb his instinct to jump and dance around. Of course, the knee being tweaked hasn't helped. So all in all, he has had a pretty good attitude about his inability to do anything except listen to books, watch movies on the travel dvd player and take short walks around the property. Infection is our biggest worry at this point in time and on Sunday night about midnight he was nauseous and had a headache and no fever. Luckily he only threw up a couple of times in a 15 minute period. However the headache stayed and we spent most of Sunday night making sure he was comfortable. Finally, after a couple of Tylenol, he drifted off to sleep about 4:00 AM and was well rested when he woke up. By noon on Monday he was feeling great again, so he played his hand drum and was able to take his wandering walk. At 5:00, he spiked a fever and we headed to the ER to see what was going on because infection is not his friend. During the time we were there waiting for his test results to come back and speaking with the nurse, all hell broke loose in the "room" next to us! 1 man in handcuffs had 3 police officers, 4 EMT's, and I'm not really sure how many nurses trying to calm him down. There was agonizing screams from him when they were trying get his IV in. I heard someone tell him to quit "acting the fool" so they could get him the treatment he needed. At one point he was screaming that his rights were being violated and that they weren't "doing it right". (I assume he was screaming about the IV, could have been anything, I don't really know). I can honestly say, I have never heard such whining and crying in my life as this guy was putting on! Then, we hear one officer say that he has to go NOW because of shots fired. At this point, I looked at Thom and told him if shots started happening in that hospital, I was going to jerk all those tubes out of him, throw him over my shoulder in a fireman's carry and get the hell out of dodge. Jeez! At any rate, they got him calmed down after a while and we found out that Thom has a UTI from the catheter being in for a week and they changed it out for him....what fun for him! :X So he is on antibiotics and resting well and doing fine. This was just a slight bump in the road. Today we had a consultation with the Intervention doctor to set up his biopsy for the mass on his lymph node. Because of the location of the mass, they will have to anesthetize him so that they can move him around as needed to get the needle threaded into the right area. The needle will have to thread between a major artery and his bowel and they will now use the catheter to inflate his bladder to help move the bowel out of the way. We really liked Dr. Montgomery. He looked at us and told us "I'm not a quitter". Well, we aren't quitters either. There has been a lot of laughter and a few tears, and we still believe that all will be well in the long run. Thank you to everyone who has sent emails, messages, texts, and phone calls. We really appreciate it and we love our friends and family. We have been overwhelmed at the response from our beautiful Family and Friends concerning Thom's diagnosis. You all have no idea how this helps keep his spirits up (and mine too) and for that, we thank you all. So a short update...he is on a medication to help "unenlarge" his bladder and we are keeping it drained so that the next doc can hopefully see what is going on with the lymph node. That appointment is on April 21, so we will keep him quiet (NOT an easy task...LOL) until then. Then we will see where we go from there. As a side note, on top of all of this, he twisted his knee last Monday and is now hobbling around with a cane. Bless his heart, he has had a rough couple of months. (I told him he looked like Ghandi hobbling around the Pathdrummer Homestead - a little skinny man in a sarong leaning on a cane). Once again, thank you all for wrapping him in love, light, energy, drumming, positivity, reiki and more. He has an awesome team of doctors and we are absolutely certain he's got this!
Thom has had some recent health issues over the last couple of months. Now that we have some answers, I can share what is happening. Thom was diagnosed with prostate cancer in March. Since that time there have been numerous doctor visits and he has undergone CT and bone scans to determine if the cancer was located in any other areas of his body. Today we got the results from those scans we are hoping the cancer is all still contained in the prostate. That being said, he also has what appears to be a diverticula that is attached to a lymph node on his right side near his hip. His bladder is also enlarged so they couldn’t get a good picture that was clear enough to determine what this “something” is, so he has been referred to a Radiation Intervention physician. After that doc determines what needs to be done; biopsied, removed, benign, whatever...then we can work with his team to move forward with his cancer treatment plan. Although serious, we feel that this is not catastrophic and we are positive that all will be well in the long run. Soooooo, if I could ask that some of you send Thom some good positive, healing energy and prayers we would really appreciate it. We know from experience that good things can happen and we know that we have some powerful people in our Tribe and our Family. Thank you all so very much. We love you all.
September was a very busy month for us this year. After Labor Day we headed for Pipestem, WV to enjoy and be a part of CultureFest. We always enjoy leading drum meditation in the Chapel every morning, setting up our small shop to sell drums, smudging supplies and many other items, and most of visiting with old friends! This year was especially wonderful. Our son and his girlfriend met us there on Saturday and we were able to enjoy a whole day with them. He lives in PA and we don’t get nearly enough time with him, so this was a real treat for us. We set up on Wednesday in the beautiful WV sunshine and then enjoyed the magical mountain rains for the rest of the festival. As our son wisely reminded us, “It’s a music festival. Of course it is raining.” No one seemed to let the weather get them down and there was much dancing in the rain, drumming, and happiness the entire weekend. If you have never been to this area of the country, I suggest you check it out next year. It is full of love and laughter! To get on their mailing list and keep up with next years event, click here - https://culturefestwv.com/home Many of you are familiar with our Spirit Awakening Drum, Beverly. She is beginning to show her age a bit and she went to her drum maker for some much needed repair and maintenance while we in North Carolina. It was a little disconcerting to see her flipped upside down on the floor and be told to stand on the back of her so that the drum frame could be rotated. However, I played like a Valkyrie and did as I was told. From this point onward, she will be treated as the aging lady that she is so that she will be around to help people for many, many years.
Upon returning home to the Pathdrummer Homestead, we prepared for a drum meditation at the Santa Rosa Creek Indian Tribal Grounds arranged by Margie Anderson, who owns Crystal Vibrations Gift Shoppe in Pace, FL. Normally, we do a drum gathering at her shop once a month, however the Tribe was kind enough to allow us to use their sacred grounds. So, we thank them for that experience.
Returning home, we celebrated my birthday with a, Inner Circle Gathering at the Pathdrummer Homestead. Several people showed up, ready to play drums and hang out with friends. We did manage to get a little drumming in before the thunder and lightning and torrential rain hit. We all ran under the carport, (making to take the food and instruments with us). After a few minutes of looking at each other, some people danced in the rain, we ate the food that everyone had brought, and began to play drums and other instruments. It certainly is a birthday that I won’t soon forget. It was great!
Like I said, September was full, full, full! Wow! It is hard to believe that I haven't posted on this site for over a year. So much has happened since our first Gathering of Healers in August of 2017. We were blown away and couldn't wait to get back there this year. We met new friends and reestablished connections with old friends. It was amazing, as always. We felt that we needed to recharge after being there and headed for Page, Arizona. In Page, I fulfilled a "bucket list" item and did the short hike to Horseshoe Bend. I wanted to catch the early morning light which meant I had to get out of bed at 4:30 in the morning! Now, those of you who know me are aware that I am not a morning person and have never claimed to be one of those bright eyed and bushy tailed people. Thom, on the other hand, is already up and jumping around pretty early, so getting up that early was no big deal to him. As long as he had coffee, he was good to go. We motored to the small parking lot and joined the handful of people who were also there for those early morning shots. We were greeted by Brother Raven as we left the car and as we started down the trail we heard coyotes howling way off in the distance. I knew that this would be a good day after hearing that. It was truly amazing. After leaving Page, we headed to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Neither one of us had ever been to this section of the Canyon, so we were understandably excited about being there for a couple of days. As a young child I had visited the South Rim and used to look at maps and dream about going to the "other side" to see the differences in the way the Canyon looked. So, 55 years later, there I was; standing on the rim of a place that had three lightning struck forest fires raging and seeing the awesomeness of Mother Nature protecting herself from harm. I guess it really is best to see the view from the South Rim first because then you can appreciate the splendor of less crowds and a more relaxed atmosphere as you gaze in delight and wonder at the beautiful formation of a canyon that is so ancient. Needless to say, I was ready to go back even before we headed south for the rest of our journey. Leaving the Grand Canyon, we saw many places that we had never been or wanted to re-visit; Vermilion Cliffs, Pipe Springs, Marble Canyon and Navajo Bridge, Wupatki, Sunset Crater, the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest, the VLA (Very Large Array), and Three Rivers Petroglyph Site. We arrived in Alamagordo, NM to visit White Sands and the Space Museum. As a child, I stood out in our yard in Central Florida and watched John Glenn circle the earth on his history making flight to be the first American to orbit the Earth. I was obsessed with space, as I guess we all were in Florida in the '60's. At any rate, I wanted to go to this museum, so we planned an entire day there. It was very informative and to top it off, if you are a Star Trek fan, there was a whole section dedicated just to Star Trek. It was awesome! The next day, we got up early (again) so that we could be at White Sands National Monument when they opened. This was the best day ever! It had rained the night before so the dunes were hard packed and very cool when you stood on them. It certainly made it much easier to climb them! We all know Thom and the first thing he wanted to do was jump off the dunes, so off he went. He jumped until he couldn't jump any longer and then we found a sled. I was unaware of this, but apparently sledding is THE thing to do at White Sands. Of course, Thom ran off to sled down the dunes a couple of times. If you want a great chuckle, check out that video below. (we returned the sled to its hiding place after we were done with it) In the afternoon, the sun had dried out the dunes and they were silky and cool. If you weren't aware, the dunes are made up of rare gypsum sand and beautiful selenite crystals. Imagine the energy and power that you feel here as you dig your bare toes into the sand or lie out in the dunes. It is magical. That evening we were fortunate to be able to lie out among the dunes and watch the Perseid Meteor showers on their peak night. Watching those streaks of light flash across the sky with occasional fireballs wending their way all the way across the sky was amazing. The one thing that I noticed about White Sands was the amount of laughter that I heard all day long. It was the first time that we had been somewhere recently that there was only happy sounds. It was wonderful to hear families enjoying life together. Leaving Alamagordo, we headed for Carlsbad Caverns to experience the sight of thousands of bats leaving the mouth of the cavern in a vortex to feed for the night. We had been there a couple of years ago and were looking forward to this event. Sadly, only about 20 bats came out that night and we vowed to come back and try again. Near sunset, we took our seat in the amphitheater and watched a fox up on the rim of the cavern play around as we waited for the ranger to begin his talk. Every ranger has their own special way of teaching/talking about the bats and when the first bat comes out of the cave entrance, they immediately stop talking and their spiel is done, no matter what they are saying. They don't even finish their sentence. It is quiet right then! No cell phones. No cameras. No loud talking. We hit the jackpot with our ranger. He was apparently a comic book and superhero aficionado because he used stories about Batman and other superheroes for his talk. He was so quiet and unassuming when he began his talk, and then BAM! he was an actor with different voices and stories that made all the people pay real attention. And, I guess the bats wanted everyone to hear everything he had to say because they waited until he was completely finished before they appeared. It was astonishing! We saw and heard a spiral of thousands of bats that came out of that entrance and flew away to feed for the evening. After the bats begin to fly, you can leave at any time because it begins to get dark and you can't really see them anymore. It is also hard to keep little ones quiet after a while, so you can leave when you want. After it got so dark that you couldn't see the bats but could still hear them, I kept my eyes on the sky because there were still meteor showers and I was hoping to be able to see a few more before were asked to leave. At one point there was only Thom, myself, and one other person left in the amphitheater. That's when I heard the ranger approaching. Getting ready to be told we had to leave, he informed us that we could stay as long as we wanted, just not to go to sleep because then we would be "camping" and that wasn't allowed. Then he left us there. All alone. In the dark. I stretched out and watched the sky. The fireballs were tremendous and many more of them than the night before at White Sands. The other person that was left was a young man on a road trip as he began his new spiritual journey. We talked and shared and then found out he had a didgeridoo in his car. Of course, we had a drum. So there we were, hanging out in the amphitheater of Carlsbad Caverns with meteors streaking across the sky over our heads, playing wonderful music, surrounded by intense darkness. It was astonishing. The day after Carlsbad, we decided to go to Sitting Bull Falls. We had never heard it before and I stumbled across it when I was looking for things to do in the Carlsbad area. You drive out through some pretty uninteresting country and you think to yourself that there was no way for there to be a waterfall anywhere around. But, sure enough, we found it and it was beautiful. There were very few people there and the ranger was pretty nice about letting us stay past the closing time. The water is refreshingly cool, the path to the falls is easy, the restrooms are clean, and the picnic pavilions are very nice. If you ever get to that area of the country, I highly recommend spending the day there. All in all, we had a great recharge trip. Remember that self-care is very important. If you don't take care of yourself, both in body and spirit, then you can not effectively help others.
Today we wandered on Route 66 from Moriarty, NM trough Albuquerque and on to Gallup, NM and then northward to Window Rock, AZ. We have gotten checked in and plan on an early evening so that we are ready for the Gathering Of Healers. I took plenty of pictures today and will just let them tell the story of an old road that used to be a mecca for travelers. This morning started out wet and rainy. Luckily, we only had this for about an hour of our trip and then the skies opened up to blue and beautiful with lots of fluffy white clouds above us. We traveled through the oil fields of Texas where we saw lots and lots of oil derricks pumping. We also saw a beautiful vine that seemed to be growing wild along the highway, even though it looked like a squash or gourd plant to us. The electric poles also had platforms built on them for the birds to nest and we saw many hawks sitting in these nests along the highway. We have traveled in many parts of New Mexico, however Roswell was not one of the areas that we had seen, so this is where we headed. After arriving in Roswell, we headed to a Mexican restaurant we had read about, called Martins Capitol Cafe. It was truly great food. Even though there was a line out the door, we were seated in less than five minutes and served very quickly. If you are ever in this area, you should check this restaurant out. martinscapitolcafe.com/ After eating lunch, we headed over to the Roswell UFO Museum. We had a great time wandering around the museum, looking at the exhibits, and talking with people who were visiting there. This area is definitely a place for us to return and explore further. There are many different things to see and experience here. www.roswellufomuseum.com/ After leaving Roswell, we decided to take the scenic route to Moriarty, NM where we would be spending the night.We happened upon the historic town of Lincoln, NM and found an unkempt cemetery and stopped to wander through the old graveyard. It was a strangely beautiful and very peaceful. oldlincolntown.org/ Our next stop was where Smokey the Bear was found and rescued after a forest fire in 1950 near Capitan, NM. www.legendsofamerica.com/nm-smokeybear.html We saw rainbows, coyotes, wild turkeys, hawks, ravens, wildflowers, pronghorn antelope, all among beautiful vistas as we wandered on the back roads of New Mexico past ranches that were hundreds and thousands of acres. We saw very few vehicles on most of our journey from Midland, TX to Moriarty, NM. Again, we had a wonderful, leisurely day as we head to Window Rock, AZ for the Gathering of Healers.
On Friday, we traveled from the Pathdrummer Homestead to Lake Jackson, TX where we were able to spend some time with some our favorite members of our family. We relaxed and hung out, chatted about nothing and everything and generally lazed around for 2 whole days. It felt pretty darn good! Today we traveled from Lake Jackson to Midland, TX. We went on a road called the Devil's Backbone. It was a gorgeous ride up in the clouds overlooking beautiful valleys on both sides of the road. We pulled into the overlook area and saw this beautiful tree that stood in front of a fence that had crosses hanging all over it. We stopped and took one photo and then went on because there was a family there scattering ashes of a loved one and we didn't want to intrude on them. After leaving the picnic area, I looked up information on this beautiful road and found this awesome article on the ghosts of the Devil's Backbone. reportingtexas.com/devils-backbone-ghosts-hunting/ For the rest of the day, we wandered the small towns and back roads of Texas and enjoyed seeing only a car or two every few hours. It was a relaxing ride through the Texas Hill Country. We always enjoy visiting here. :) One of the best parts of the whole day was visiting Reagan County, Texas. It was a little strange to see my last name plastered everywhere.