We have been overwhelmed at the response from our beautiful Family and Friends concerning Thom's diagnosis. You all have no idea how this helps keep his spirits up (and mine too) and for that, we thank you all. So a short update...he is on a medication to help "unenlarge" his bladder and we are keeping it drained so that the next doc can hopefully see what is going on with the lymph node. That appointment is on April 21, so we will keep him quiet (NOT an easy task...LOL) until then. Then we will see where we go from there. As a side note, on top of all of this, he twisted his knee last Monday and is now hobbling around with a cane. Bless his heart, he has had a rough couple of months. (I told him he looked like Ghandi hobbling around the Pathdrummer Homestead - a little skinny man in a sarong leaning on a cane). Once again, thank you all for wrapping him in love, light, energy, drumming, positivity, reiki and more. He has an awesome team of doctors and we are absolutely certain he's got this!