For those of you who have followed the web site from the beginning, you may have wondered how the Awakening Drum got the name Beverly. With this being Christmas Day, I felt this would be a good time to share the story.
I have been drumming for many years. As many of you know the type of drumming I do is not the entertainment type but more the spirit and healing drumming. This is the only way I know how to describe it. When Judy and I lived in St Petersburg, FL, I got my first opportunity at a drum gathering on the beach. This was something that really moved me in a way I could not explain. While we lived there we would go to the gatherings every chance we got. After we moved to the panhandle of Florida we were unable to attend drum gatherings very often so I would sit by the fire on our property in the Blackwater State Forest and play. I found that drumming would take me on journeys in unexplainable ways. When I was finished I felt good and I really love to play. Many times I had no idea what type of sound was coming from the drum, I just knew it felt great. When I was transferred to North Carolina, Judy and I were in Cherokee and heard drums playing at a coffee shop. We went in to listen and ended up staying and playing. After everyone was finished we talked with the lady that was leading the group. She was an awesome person named Beverly. She explained that she did drumming to help bring the spirit of living back into lives of people. She shared her philosphy about drumming with us. She believed that that the Drum has been used around the world to heal, awaken spirits from within us here on earth, and the ones who have left this world to meet their Creator. She told us there were many uses for the Drum but the best use was to heal and improve one’s way of life and to awaken and teach others. I was allowed a short time to learn from this wonderful lady. After a few short years in NC, a job opportunity moved us to Knoxville, TN. Even though we were only 2 hours away, it was far enough that we could not attend many of the Drum gatherings and we slowly lost contact with her. Time passed and I would play the drum every chance I could.
One year Judy and I went to visit Michele in Montana. While we were there she introduced us to her friend Jim Tree. Jim had been gifted a ceremony pipe which in itself is a complete story. While we were at Michele’s Jim offered to do a pipe ceremony for us. This was something we had never experienced. After some talk and understanding of what was involved, we accepted. Jim went to prepare and as he walked away he told us he was not sure which pipe to use so he would need to ask the spirits. There are some of you who already know the power of the pipe and understand how it is used. For those who have never had a chance to experience a pipe ceremony and may think because of the way it is used there would be some sort of drug involved, let me assure you there are no drugs used in a true pipe ceremony. After about 20 to 30 minutes Judy, Michele and I were standing on the front porch on a wonderful bright blue sky kind of day and out of nowhere a large clap of thunder rolled through the sky. Jim has his personal pipe he uses for many things and he is also the keeper of one very special pipe that found its way to him. This pipe is the Thunder Pipe. Just after the thunder rolled you could hear Jim say, “Well, I guess I know what pipe we are using. This will be very special.” During the ceremony the vision of the Awakening Drum was given along with the Drums intent. This was something I had never experienced before and it was taking some time to process it in my head. The one thing I knew right away was who was to build this drum. I had met him at the drum gathering in Cherokee. His name is Bob and the drums he had made for us to use at the gatherings had part of Bob’s soul in them. So ,we went in search of Bob. After some time we found him and explained what we needed and asked if he would build it. Bob agreed. It took almost two years to complete the drum. There were many things that happened during the time of building that could not be helped. In the end we know the Drum was completed exactly when it was supposed to be.
Sometimes things happen that you never expect.
We went back to Cherokee to find Beverly, the one person that we knew who could help guide us with our new Drum. With endless time spent searching and having no luck, Judy went on Facebook to search and found her there. A message was sent. When we received an answer it was not what we had expected. The message came from her sister informing us Beverly had recently passed away from Lou Gehrig’s disease. We were shocked; we also knew that her spirit would live on through drumming. She loved Mother Earth and wanted
everyone to be aware that if, we, as the human race did not change our ways we would push her to a point that she would destroy us before we would destroy her. Beverly loved drumming and life and used drumming to awaken people’s spirits. She taught them that they should live there life in love and kindness and to protect our Mother Earth. Her spirit will live on and her passion for drumming will be known through this Awakening Drum.
We take drums with us everyhere we go. They are taken on our vacations, on our trips in the semi truck, and on our day jaunts. We have been allowed to play in many special places. We try to share Beverly's philosophy with everyone we meet. Wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone had a drum to play?
Thank You, Beverly.
We love you.
I have been drumming for many years. As many of you know the type of drumming I do is not the entertainment type but more the spirit and healing drumming. This is the only way I know how to describe it. When Judy and I lived in St Petersburg, FL, I got my first opportunity at a drum gathering on the beach. This was something that really moved me in a way I could not explain. While we lived there we would go to the gatherings every chance we got. After we moved to the panhandle of Florida we were unable to attend drum gatherings very often so I would sit by the fire on our property in the Blackwater State Forest and play. I found that drumming would take me on journeys in unexplainable ways. When I was finished I felt good and I really love to play. Many times I had no idea what type of sound was coming from the drum, I just knew it felt great. When I was transferred to North Carolina, Judy and I were in Cherokee and heard drums playing at a coffee shop. We went in to listen and ended up staying and playing. After everyone was finished we talked with the lady that was leading the group. She was an awesome person named Beverly. She explained that she did drumming to help bring the spirit of living back into lives of people. She shared her philosphy about drumming with us. She believed that that the Drum has been used around the world to heal, awaken spirits from within us here on earth, and the ones who have left this world to meet their Creator. She told us there were many uses for the Drum but the best use was to heal and improve one’s way of life and to awaken and teach others. I was allowed a short time to learn from this wonderful lady. After a few short years in NC, a job opportunity moved us to Knoxville, TN. Even though we were only 2 hours away, it was far enough that we could not attend many of the Drum gatherings and we slowly lost contact with her. Time passed and I would play the drum every chance I could.
One year Judy and I went to visit Michele in Montana. While we were there she introduced us to her friend Jim Tree. Jim had been gifted a ceremony pipe which in itself is a complete story. While we were at Michele’s Jim offered to do a pipe ceremony for us. This was something we had never experienced. After some talk and understanding of what was involved, we accepted. Jim went to prepare and as he walked away he told us he was not sure which pipe to use so he would need to ask the spirits. There are some of you who already know the power of the pipe and understand how it is used. For those who have never had a chance to experience a pipe ceremony and may think because of the way it is used there would be some sort of drug involved, let me assure you there are no drugs used in a true pipe ceremony. After about 20 to 30 minutes Judy, Michele and I were standing on the front porch on a wonderful bright blue sky kind of day and out of nowhere a large clap of thunder rolled through the sky. Jim has his personal pipe he uses for many things and he is also the keeper of one very special pipe that found its way to him. This pipe is the Thunder Pipe. Just after the thunder rolled you could hear Jim say, “Well, I guess I know what pipe we are using. This will be very special.” During the ceremony the vision of the Awakening Drum was given along with the Drums intent. This was something I had never experienced before and it was taking some time to process it in my head. The one thing I knew right away was who was to build this drum. I had met him at the drum gathering in Cherokee. His name is Bob and the drums he had made for us to use at the gatherings had part of Bob’s soul in them. So ,we went in search of Bob. After some time we found him and explained what we needed and asked if he would build it. Bob agreed. It took almost two years to complete the drum. There were many things that happened during the time of building that could not be helped. In the end we know the Drum was completed exactly when it was supposed to be.
Sometimes things happen that you never expect.
We went back to Cherokee to find Beverly, the one person that we knew who could help guide us with our new Drum. With endless time spent searching and having no luck, Judy went on Facebook to search and found her there. A message was sent. When we received an answer it was not what we had expected. The message came from her sister informing us Beverly had recently passed away from Lou Gehrig’s disease. We were shocked; we also knew that her spirit would live on through drumming. She loved Mother Earth and wanted
everyone to be aware that if, we, as the human race did not change our ways we would push her to a point that she would destroy us before we would destroy her. Beverly loved drumming and life and used drumming to awaken people’s spirits. She taught them that they should live there life in love and kindness and to protect our Mother Earth. Her spirit will live on and her passion for drumming will be known through this Awakening Drum.
We take drums with us everyhere we go. They are taken on our vacations, on our trips in the semi truck, and on our day jaunts. We have been allowed to play in many special places. We try to share Beverly's philosophy with everyone we meet. Wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone had a drum to play?
Thank You, Beverly.
We love you.